Difference between Confidence and Arrogance

There is a huge difference between arrogance and confidence, which some of those in their late teens, twenties and early thirties as on today, just fail to understand. They label their arrogance as "confidence"!!! (If I may address those directly from here on --) "That is a huge mistake you are making over there. So, with due politeness, let me elaborate this here for your knowledge:-- 

Confidence is the one which gives you a very assertive feeling about whatever you say, think, speak and do. Scientifically its proven that in the earlier stages of life, say from year 5 to 15, more than 60% kids lack in confidence. That is mainly because of their inexperience. The more they get exposed to the exterior world, the more they grow in confidence. A new feeling of assertion and self-belief is seen amongst them once they gain in confidence. They can think better, speak and act much better after they gain confidence. Obviously success in career and life is mainly based on your confidence levels and hence after getting confidence they start getting higher levels of success too in their respective spheres of functioning. 

Arrogance is the feeling "that is misunderstood as confidence"  by 2 out of 3 young people today. First thing - demeaning or belittling or insulting or deriding someone else IS NOT confidence. A confident person essentially does not need to do any of the above. The one who is confident will achieve his target, without get involved in any of the above. He does not need to insult, or demean or deride or defame or belittle anybody in this world to get his goals. Its like throwing gave age or mud on somebody, in order to establish yourself as clean. Spoiling someone's looks will not increase your importance and make you "a hero" instantaneously. All matured and successful people will know within a blink of an eye, that what you did was wrong and very mean. Your direct aim was to get closer to your goal but you messed with someone else's goal, which was not at all necessary. It was sinful and unrighteous too. Even if you manage to achieve higher target than the guy whom you just insulted or demeaned, you still DO NOT QUALIFY as a successful person only because you chose the wrong path, the wrong methods. Your means to get there was completely incorrect. It would've been better if you had reached a smaller goal but without demeaning anyone. The fact that you demeaned/belittled the other guy does not show your confidence but it shows quite the opposite of confidence, in fact. It shows your diffidence or lack of confidence. It shows your sense of insecurity and precariousness, hovering around your infertile fearful brain 24x7. Those who are confident, never feel unsecured or frightened as what you are feeling from inside. They would just do the things they are supposed to do in a proper, befitting manner, which would have been sufficient for them to be declared a winner or successful. But in your case your negative thoughts successfully won over your positive thoughts. You need to learn how to curb those thoughts, how to control them and eventually get rid of them completely. That you can do through Yoga & Pranayam gradually. But meanwhile stop demeaning and belittling others fully. That would be the first step in the right direction. 

It's the thoughts of a human that create a hero or a villain out of him. Arrogant people are actually weak from within because they have already succumbed themselves to those negative thoughts and taken arrogant actions after that. They are also known as "attitude people" these days and I can promise you they certainly are NOT GOOD. They are not trustworthy. They are traitors too. They can attack the very guy who has had helper them several times before. They do not have any "moral standards" in their lives. Sinful as they are, one can easily term them as "demons". The irony of modern day life is such demons exist everywhere, in huge numbers. Their population is growing exponentially. These demons just tend to misunderstand " arrogance"/ " proud and rude behavior" as "confidence" and act in the most brutal, sinful manner towards innocent people. The worse part is that they go "unpunished" most of the time. This has a cascading chain-like effect in that they get encouraged more and more because of this. This further enhances their arrogance. However everything has a limit and when their arrogance is faced with a real hero of his life, he destroys their arrogance completely and shows them their place in the social circles. But by then this arrogant guy has done a lot of damage to the society by inflicting so many innocents via his arrogance and attitude behavior. 

Coming back to the point, confidence and arrogance are not the same but are completely different from each other. A wise human knows the difference between these two quite distinctively and behaves accordingly. So it's upto you now, dear arrogant fellow, to behave in which manner you should. May God give you wisdom to do that." 


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