The US President Donald J Trump, in December last year,
issuing a stern warning
to his North Korean counterpart Kim Jong-un,
at the White House. |
The President of South Korea Moon Jae-in has reportedly said that the US President Donald Trump should be given a Nobel Peace Prize for his outstanding efforts to bring about peace in the Korean peninsula and thus averting all the risks of World War 3.
Well not surprisingly though, so many eyebrows have been raised simultaneously, about this rather audacious remark by the highest office holder of South Korea. Some have even started doubting the mental stability of Moon Jae-in! But look into the deeper aspect and you will know precisely, why he has made this comment.
Before Trump took office on January 20, 2017 the President of North Korea, Mr. Kim Jong-Un was considered "a wild beast" in almost all political circles in major countries across the globe. This was for his characteristic style of going on with his nuclear tests almost unabated, one after the other, threatening regional and global peace. Even after getting reprimanded by the seniors in his own country and getting massively criticized by so many world leaders (including the then US President Barack Obama), for his extremely bullish style of functioning on the international arena, he continued with his nuclear tests and his highly aggressive approach. After Trump came to power, it was assumed that he may decrease the rate at which he was doing these things, but that assumption was wrong. Instead, he accelerated the pace and the frequency of his nuclear tests. To add fuel to fire, he started giving repeated warnings to the US and his immediate neighbor, North Korea's numero uno enemy South Korea that they should not under-estimate the military power of North Korea by any means as the latter had by then acquired all the nuclear capabilities to attack and destroy any nation in the world, even those which were as far as USA, from within the borders of their nation.
It is here where Donald Trump came into the picture. Instead of dealing with the same tamed voice like that of his predecessor Obama, he took an entirely different tone. He started issuing very stern warnings to Kim Jong-un, asking him to totally stop his nuclear tests or face the dire possibility of a direct nuclear attack by the USA on its cities. Suddenly this brought the world to the edge of another World War, i.e. World-War III. Every newspaper around the world started talking about an imminent war, which can initially involve at least 3 nations viz. North Korea, the US and South Korea. Other likely participants would be Japan, China and Russia - some newspapers added. Every news junkie got anxious. Some thought that after issuing severe warnings to Kim, Donald Trump would take a breather and cool down for some time. But No. He continued on his rampage of very heated remarks about the North Korean President and reminded him repeatedly through his tweets that he was over-estimating his own capabilities and under-estimating those of his rivals. Some guys, including myself, thought that Trump was now unduly acting bullish as well as foolish, by making such threatening remarks (in the form of tweets) one after the other. I personally thought,"the mad man of North Korea, its President Kim, would never get scared by such repeated threats. This is going in the wrong direction now and the next World War is quite near."
But suddenly this took a U-turn. The North Korean President announced that he would meet his South-Korean counter-part inside South Korea! He then went to South Korea, met its President Moon Jae-in and then came the most amazing announcement - both the Korean leaders declared on the same platform that they have agreed to denuclearize the korean peninsula!!! "Oh God, What just happened!!!" - so many of us thought, while watching this on TV just a couple of days back. I couldn't believe my eyes for a moment. Can this be true? Can the mad man of North Korea really agree to revert back from his path of nuclearization? So many questions came to my mind and that of other keen observers of international news. But, all doubts were put to rest when I again saw the same news after an hour. The cold ice had been broken. The path towards permanent peace had been laid. Both the Koreas had now really agreed to denuclearize. The decision of the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un to denuclearize was of course the one which should be rejoiced upon but was equally shocking. What has led him to take this decision? - I thought for a moment.
After some deeper introspection, I realized that it was Donald Trump, who played the vital role of a mediator here, who could bring in Peace by the means of denuclearization. Some TV channels like RT News may be criticizing Trump for the manner in which he convinced Kim Jong-un to come to the Peace-Table, i.e. by the ways of bullying, threatening, scaring the mad man etc. Yes, he might have used these ways, but so what? Why can't you see the outcome of all these? Why can't you see the positive side? Why can't you believe in Peace, even after it has finally happened? And above all, why can't you give Donald J. Trump, the US President, the real Credit for what he has done so far??
According to me, Donald Trump deserves to be given the Nobel Peace Prize. Had it not been for his continuous actions (threats, tweets and scares - if you wish you call it that way), the mad man of North Korea, its President Kim Jong-un, wouldn't have been pressurized to slow down and then revert back his entire decision of nuclearization of his country. He would have continued to tread on the same dangerous and notorious path of the process of nuclear acceleration by developing all sorts of missiles, (long ranged, medium ranged, short ranged etc.) and would have relentlessly went on to threaten South Korea and the US, day in and day out like an uncontrollable pest in a small farm. It was precisely due to the enormous amount of pressure exerted by Trump and the huge scare of a face to face, one-on-one war with the US, that Kim finally has decided to abandon his extremely aggressive stance and to denuclearize his country. Donald J Trump stands completely qualified in this regard, to receive a Nobel Peace Prize next year (as this year's Nobel Peace Prize has already been given). -(kb/original/30-04-2018)