Arrrogance of Govt. and Semi-govt.employees

Mr. Kuldeep Sharma, my friend has a son who works in private sector. He himself was a pvt sector employee and struggled all life to build some capital. These days his son has just begun his struggles. He is 23 and works from 8:30 am to 8:30 pm with a Gujarat based pvt limited company. He gets something like 30k per month which is somewhere on the lower scale these days. 

Living next door to him is Mr. Popat, who has a son working with a semi govt organisation. He is 28. He works between 10:30 am to 6:30 pm, and enjoys a 45 minute recess time. He gets 62,000 Rs already as his salary. Whenever we 3 meet, Mr.Popat makes fun of Kuldeep's son, Deepak, defining him as a "laggard". (पीछे रह जाने वाला) He says that Deepak is also mental! 

In reality, the scenario is quite the reverse. Deepak, the one who is drilling himself right now is actually a very intelligent guy at 23. His management and administrative skills are much better than Kishan, the son of Mr.Popat. Kishan keeps remaining inactive on all social media and his daddy brags everywhere that that is due to him being very busy in his work all the time!!🤣 In reality, he is such a dumb fellow that he knows nothing worthwhile to share than his photos.🤔 Whereas, Deepak despite being so busy in his private sector company's job, shares a lot of interesting things on his facebook and twitter. His dad never complains of his son being busy. 

The question here is : What right does Mr.Popat have that he pokes fun of Kuldeep's bright son? According to me, Kishan Popat, his own son is just "lucky" that he is in a government firm and draws a big salary. But Mr.Popat is hell bent on making it a "very important" point because those 2 points help him to demean and belittle Kuldeep's son, and elevate his own son artificially to a higher level than that of Kuldeepji. What kind of rubbish mentality is this? What kind of third grade superiority complex is this that despite knowing that your neighbor's son is far superior and much more skilled than your own son, your just fail to appreciate him at all only because your son, who knows almost nothing except do a 10 to 6 job, is in that imaginative sphere of competition that your monotonous, worthless mind has created?? If you can't appreciate Deepak's brilliance atleast have some decency and stop labelling him as mad, for God sake! Accept the fact that your son is dumb and dull. But he will never do that because he has this peculiar mentality of a Government employee - "just think of yourself as superior to others and keep making fun of others" though it may amount to squeezing your own personal growth. You need a psychological help, Oh Govt and semi-government employees! Please take it. 

- kb


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