Tit For Tat

Once he had finished his long भारत जोड़ो यात्रा, (Join India journey) Rahul Gandhi was in a highly aggressive mood. He was determined to shake the Modi Government, right from its roots. So in the Loksabha (lower house of the Indian Parliament) he made a blistering speech on 7th February. It was about the corruption that the prevailing government has inflicted upon the Indian public by facilitating the Adani group into so many various business verticals. 

He lambasted Modi for being so close with Gautam Adani, the CEO of the Adani Group. Once his speech was over, he was heavily congratulated by all his stooges within the Congress party. It looked as if, be had just won 400 loksabha seats out of the existing 543 seats. They flattered him to the extreme. 

In the days that followed, Rahul started dreaming that now he has ultimately put the Modi Sarkar into a very tight spot. He thought that his new highly aggressive posture was indeed hurting Modi and his BJP carders now more than ever. But, he was still under-estimating the political capabilities of Modi & Amit Shah. These two are experts in finding old skeletons from the cupboard (catching enemies from even the slightest wrong things they did in the past and then snapping them into deeper trouble from that point onwards). If I am not wrong here, these two found the case of this Rahul Speech interesting, wherein, the then Congress President became a loose cannon for some time. He had made a sweeping, generalised, and highly audacious statement, "सब मोदी सरनेम वाले चोर हैँ"!! at an election rally in Karnataka. बस, बात ख़तम! (Hallelujah! That's it!) They had got the " content" they wanted. That content had the potential to silence Rahul for a long long time by putting him in jail. Some Purnesh Modi from Modi's home state Gujarat, had filed a defamation case back in 2019, against Rahul. But it was moving at a snail's pace. But after the bombarding speech of Rahul Gandhi on 7th February, that case of Purnesh Modi started moving in the right direction, viz.northwards. By 24th March, the judgment was out, wherein this court in the Gujarati city of Surat, passed a judgment that was like an earthquake in the political circles of the country. It declared the conviction of Rahul Gandhi for insulting and publicly defaming the entire community of all those, who had a surname "Modi". What followed was his disqualification from the Lower House of the Parliament, Loksabha, with instant effect. The pace at which this case moved between February 7, 2023 (the day of Rahul's speech in the Loksabha) and March 24 (the day of his conviction) was what one can describe "jet-speed"! Why? Because the 2 most powerful men of Indian politics wanted it to move like that. I don't need to mention names were - you are a reader of my articles and hence smart enough to know which two. 

It is indeed a huge fall for Rahul Gandhi, although he wouldn't like to belittle the whole episode and deny it as much as possibly. From holding a massive status of being a Member of Parliament (MP), this guy has just suffered the disgrace of getting disqualified, of getting kicked out of it. The question is who triggered this entire backlash on Rahul? The answer is evident - he himself. Yes. It was all going well for him until he decided to shift his style  from being normal to highly aggressive. Modi & Shah did not like his newly discovered, extra aggressiveness, obviously and hence decided to show him who are them real bosses of the country right now. They thought it was time to strip him off the Membership of the Indian Parliament and behold, there you go, Rahul Gandhi is no more what he used to be, in just a few days!!!🤔...😃🤣 

This is a true example of "tit for tat", I believe. 

- (kb/Original/26-03-2023/2)


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