For those Women who misuse their gender

Yesterday was #InternationalWomensDay . As usual, read a lot on social media sites about the women of today, what she is "able" to do, what she "can" do, etc. That's the usual stuff, which pours out from 3/4th of educated womens' minds every year on this day. And that is natural too; no objections raised from my side.  

But, I've an objection against those women, whose only aim in life is to demonize men. For such women, every man out there in public, is a pervert, a criminal, an outlaw. Her perception of a man has been turned into an abnormal monsterly figure, due to some reason or the other. I wouldn't oppose those women, who have such a fundamentally strong reason to demean and insult the physically stronger sex. But what about those lousy, cheap, flirtatious females, who after enjoying food & sex with their men, without spending a penny, call them "demons", "kutta "(dog), "suvar"(pig), and such abuses?? For them, men are a means just to quench their desires for sex and food. Once that's done, they start defaming the very same dude, with whom she slept with, just a night ago, or the one at whose expense she had fully gratified her taste buds in some 5-star facility. She doesn't hesitate at all to publicly call him "flirt" whilst it's actually the other way round. That guy is, in reality, love with this girl. He wants to spend his whole life with her, standing by her in all her rainy days. But she? She just doesn't understand him, at all!! Or maybe she just doesn't want to understand him at all. Why? Because every time she looks into the mirror, she feels that her looks are so good that even at the trough of their display, she would be able to mesmerize dozens of extremely handsome men out there. So why should she "limit herself" to just one guy??? What if he is very loyal to her? What if he wants to give all the happiness to her? What if he wants to marry her? Dude, that won't count for this so-called "beauty". You are just one among those dozens of men, of the hundreds of hunks out there. She desires to make all her days and nights that are going to arrive, as colorful, delicious and sexy as possible. Once that's done, she will turn herself into a pristine saint on #InternationalWomensDay and start demeaning men. 

Ofcourse, such type of females are like half of all of them. But still, they do exist and hence this post. 

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