Can India and Pakistan ever get re-united ?

After the second world war, Germany got split into two parts -- West Germany which had the support of the western countries like US,UK etc. and East Germany which had the support of Stalin's Russia ( then USSR ). This happened just within months of Hitler's death and the end of W W 2. And then in 1990 the Germanies got united with the falling down of the Berlin wall !! During these 45 years from 1945 to 1990, the people inside these two countries felt betrayed by their own leaders ( and also other world leaders ), who infact were responsible for dividing a single nation into two. They never felt away from their brethren on the other side of the border emotionally. Just like what the political leaders of Pakistan and India have been doing in the last 69 years, their leaders gave speeches publicly, which were oozing with venom and hatred for the people on the other side of border. Yet they got united in the end . The main reason as to why this happened was such that India and Pakistan "donot have in common " viz. the Religion of the majority of people. The east and the west Germans felt as if the people on the other side of the border were their brothers and sisters and not enemies, because maority of them, shared a common religion i.e christianity. 

Whereas unfortunately in our case both the countries have two different religions, followed by the majority. History has shown over and over again, that those groups of people, who get divided chiefly on religious backgrounds, almost never unite, even after centuries, although they may have shared a common geographical location, worn similar clothes, spoken similar languages. The britishers have played such an ugly political game with India and Pakistan by splitting a single huge country into two based on our religious backgrounds, that it seems virtually impossible that indians and pakistanis will ever get united either geographically, emotionally or in any other possible manner for centuries to come.


Kamlesh Bhatt said…
Kindly share your views on this, rather emotional topic, of the sub-continent.

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