" Brexit " -- Should Britain remain in the EU or leave ?

The british Prime Minister Mr. David Cameron, has asked his fellow citizens to vote against the proposal asking Britain to leave the European Union,in the forthcoming referendum on June 23rd. 

According to Cameron, Britain is more financially and regionally secured, if it remains inside the EU - financially because it can benefit from a common currency ( i.e. the Euro ) as well as conduct business with other 27 nations inside the European Union easily and with no regional boundaries ( according to Schangen agreement ). Free trade and commerce will continue to develop under such circumstances. 

However, Mr.Boris Johnson, former mayor of London, is of quite an opposite opinion. According to him, a Brexit, i.e. Britain's exit from the European Union is the only option which can help Britain and the britishers. He argues, in quite a controversial manner, comparing the concept of having a huge league of nations like the European Union, being similar to the idea conceived by Adolf Hitler and Musolini of having a huge empire, who rules everybody have to compulsorily obey and follow else face the punishment. He says " history has evidences of such empires failing in a big manner, in the end, although initially the idea of a big empire looks quite interesting and prosperous, in the beginning. He further adds that, it is advisable for all european nations to proceed ahead in their search for economic growth individually rather than in a group. Johnson, also said that Britain is the largest import-export partner of the EU amongst all its 28 nations. It contributes to a very large proportion of the total internal business of the European nations within themselves. Despite that, it doesnot have any concessions or special privileges, of which it is a deserving candidate of. Also, it is a big contributor of the total security budget of EU, yet there also it doesnot enjoy any special benefits or advantages. This is a very unjust situation, and hence Britain should wisely leave the European Union now. 

Let us see what happens on June 23rd. Do the people of UK, follow the advice of David Cameron or do they follow the advice of Boris Johnson ? It seems that if they follow that of Johnson, then David Cameron will have to resign as the Prime Minister, and that will pave the way for Boris Johnson to make a claim for the top job. However, if in case, the britishers donot vote for a Brexit and follow Cameron's advice, he will continue to remain in power, and the flambuoyant ex-mayor of London city, will have to remain silent,atleast for sometime, with his fingers crossed.   



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