
Showing posts from March, 2023

Tit For Tat

Once he had finished his long भारत जोड़ो यात्रा, (Join India journey) Rahul Gandhi was in a highly aggressive mood. He was determined to shake the Modi Government, right from its roots. So in the Loksabha (lower house of the Indian Parliament) he made a blistering speech on 7th February. It was about the corruption that the prevailing government has inflicted upon the Indian public by facilitating the Adani group into so many various business verticals.  He lambasted Modi for being so close with Gautam Adani, the CEO of the Adani Group. Once his speech was over, he was heavily congratulated by all his stooges within the Congress party. It looked as if, be had just won 400 loksabha seats out of the existing 543 seats. They flattered him to the extreme.  In the days that followed, Rahul started dreaming that now he has ultimately put the Modi Sarkar into a very tight spot. He thought that his new highly aggressive posture was indeed hurting Modi and his BJP carders now more than ...

भारतीयता का मूल्य

  "बेमिसाल" - दोस्तों, यह फिल्म इस वख्त मै देख रहा हुँ। इतना प्रभावित हुवा हुँ इसके हरेक पहलु से,कि सोचा चलो फिल्म का २५% हिस्सा बाद्  मे देख लूंगा। फिलहाल तो fb  पर एक खूबसूरत सी पोस्ट बना लेता हुँ। यह फिल्म १९८२ मे आई थी। वैसे तो दोस्तों इस फिल्म को आये हुवे सिर्फ ४१ साल हुवे हैँ पर लगता ऐसा हैँ कि एक ज़माना बीत गया हो जैसे। जैसे ४१० साल बीत गये हो, न की ४१।कारण इसका यह हैँ कि उस वख्त के हालत और वर्तमान समय मे मित्रों जमीन आसमान का फ़र्क़ आ चुका हैँ।  वो दौर आजकल के दौर से बहोत ही सुंदर था। मै उस वख्त १२ साल का बच्चा था पर मुझे ईश्वर कृपा से सब कुछ ऐसे याद हैँ जैसे कल की बात हो। सब कुछ आज के दिनों से अलग था। जिंदगी की रफ़्तार धीमी अवश्य थी, पर खूबसूरत थी। आजकल हरेक चीज़ लोग "जल्दी जल्दी" करते हैँ - बोलते हैँ तो स्पीड से, खाते हैँ तो जल्दी जल्दी, पैसे वाला बनना हैँ? तो वो भी जल्दी जल्दी??😃😂🤣😂😂 क्या पागलपन चल रहा हैँ ये सब?😃🤣😂 आखिर जाना किधर हैँ तुझे ये सब जल्दी जल्दी कर के? समशान भूमि में  ही ना? तो ये सब जल्दी जल्दी का दिखावा क्यों कर रहा हैँ, पागल तु? कभी ...

How dare anyone desecrate our National Flag?


For those Women who misuse their gender

Yesterday was #InternationalWomensDay . As usual, read a lot on social media sites about the women of today, what she is "able" to do, what she "can" do, etc. That's the usual stuff, which pours out from 3/4th of educated womens' minds every year on this day. And that is natural too; no objections raised from my side.   But, I've an objection against those women, whose only aim in life is to demonize men. For such women, every man out there in public, is a pervert, a criminal, an outlaw. Her perception of a man has been turned into an abnormal monsterly figure, due to some reason or the other. I wouldn't oppose those women, who have such a fundamentally strong reason to demean and insult the physically stronger sex. But what about those lousy, cheap, flirtatious females, who after enjoying food & sex with their men, without spending a penny, call them "demons", "kutta "(dog), "suvar"(pig), and such abuses?? For them,...