Chapter One - The Origin of Coronavirus COVID19

As per the reports of "The Lancert" the study of the very first 41 cases showed that the first onset of symptoms of COVID19 came into existence on 1st December, 2019. According to WHO, it was on 8th December, 2019 that the very first symptoms of the virus were seen. The chinese government extended this theory of the birth of the virus as below:- 
An individual in Wuhan, the central city of China, went to a local WET market (a market which sells meat of all kinds of animals like snakes, crocodiles, porcupines, squirrels and even bats apart from selling conventional meat which comes from cows, buffaloes, pigs, sheep, goats and fish) and he bought bat meat. He mixed it with pig meat and made its soup. After a few days, that person had troubles in his respiration process accompanied by severe cough, body temperature and  shortness of breath. He went to a local hospital for diagnosis but could not be saved as he died in just a few days of the onset of the above symptoms. The chinese government officials stated only this much but it was not until 20th January that they said this to0:- 
"Within a few days it was found that dozens of people working in that hospital, where the first patient was admitted, also got very similar symptoms and a few of them died." When was this revelation of the real truth made? It was made one month after China had come to know about the deadly "human to human transmission capacity" of the virus, which made it an incredibly huge threat for the entire human race. Even WHO was late in declaring this. 

When the communist party of China (CCP) declared a total lockdown of the city of Wuhan from January 23 onwards, the world came to know about the grimness of the situation. Starting from 1 December, 2019 till January 22, 2020 the virus had 53 full days to spread. It was a highly contagious virus and it spared nobody that came its way to spread itself. Within these 53 days, it got spread in every part of the city of Wuhan as well as a few other parts of China. Thousands of new cases started getting reported on a daily basis in Wuhan. Their hospitals were filled with Covid19 patients but the onslaught of new patients was so large that the government was seen clearly struggling to give rise to new medical facilities like beds, ventilators, doctors, nurses and other staff throughout the city. The  hospitals of the city were flooded with Covid19 patients and many were seen dying on the corridors of those hospitals by quite a few people. The situation got more and more desperate. Not just China but the entire world was under a situation of shock about what was happening in Wuhan. When China was asked about it, its government kept on saying that there was this virus threat but it was "nothing serious." Initially the media in Europe and the US believed in whatever China said to them. But as the number of deaths started going up from dozens to hundreds and as the number of cases rose very sharply, countries like the US, the UK, Germany asked China to allow their reporters and government officials to visit Wuhan's virus laboratory and other hospitals to know about the actual scenario. The chinese government denied that access. It was then, that the first suspicion about China hiding something real and very dangerous, came into existence. 

The human mind is suspicious by its very nature. The fact that China was not allowing any access to any foreigner into Wuhan, made the western media and its governments more and more suspicious. When asked upon about their denial, China was not able to give any satisfactory answer as they said "it is up to our government to decide as to who should be allowed to go to Wuhan". This unilateral approach was clearly indigestible for most governments worldwide. When US President Trump's administration asked them about the threat this virus could possibly pose to the entire world, they clearly said that there was no such threat, they were working upon the virus and people were getting cured. This was a sigh of relief for the rest of the world. But none of them knew that it was a blatant lie that China had put forward. The virus was extremely contagious and hence totally dangerous. If proper attention and care were not given, then it was unbelievably risky and carried the disastrous potential of destroying a major portion of the entire human race in no time. It was primarily assumed that China was lying about the contagiousness and the deadliness of this virus on fears of economically, geographically and politically getting isolated from the rest of the world. 


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