What an excellent tactician Trump is!!

You may call me a Trump-fan or whatever. But now it's proven, beyond doubt. This man is a very clever tactician. His approach is very methodical and systematic. He knows how to strike deals, by hook or crook. 

US President Donald Trump waving to a crowd 
When Donald Trump assumed office of the President of USA, North Korea was considered a very dangerous nation, who can harm any nation on the planet. Not any more. He has tamed the tiger. My no means, it is a small achievement, whatever his critics may continue to murmur.
Since the early nineties, North Korea had been considered a major threat to world peace. Previous US Presidents like Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama tried to negotiate some thing but things continued to worsen. When Donald Trump assumed office as President, North Korea's potential threat to world peace was considered as a major challenge which he would face in future. Analysts across the globe were closely watching as to how Trump is going to handle this extremely complex situation. Most of them including myself, never thought that a genuine "path towards peace" would emerge out so soon. But it did and Trump deserves all the credit for that. But how did he manage to achieve this break-through? What strategy did he adopt? Let us analyse it deeply.
After taking oath he remained quiet on North Korea for some time. But then Kim Jong-Un, the North Korean leader started provoking the US and the rest of the world, by carrying out nuclear tests one after the other on a regular basis. He would ask his men to carry out such a test and after that the North Korean media would declare some thing, which would not be a good news for the rest of the world, especially the western world. The provocation continued until one day their media declared that North Korea had ultimately achieved the capacity to attack the North American continent by successfully carrying out a test of LRBM (Long Range Ballastic Missile) which can easily target and destroy pre-determined areas of the enemy land within a range of 10000 kilometers. In other words, they were saying that the entire continent of North America can come under their Radar and they can destroy any given place completely by firing a missile from their country. The entire US media got provoked by this news and it was then Trump's time to reciprocate. He tweeted back saying that he will not take any such threat to the country lightly and North Korea will have to pay back in very heavily for any such action.
Kim Jong-Un then cooled down a little bit by stopping the tests for some time. He was anticipating that Trump too would cool down. But the american president did not. He kept on tweeting very furiously towards North Korea, threatening them of the worst consequences, one day after the other. For some time, Kim and his team reverted back but finally they realized their grave mistakes. They had put their hands in the jaws of the crocodile voluntarily. Gradually, reality had dawned upon this rather crazy leader of that nation. He came to know that Trump really meant business from the toughness of his language and his preparations like extremely intensified joint military drills along with its arch enemy South Korea near the border of the two countries as well as magnifying the number of war-ships in the waters surrounding North Korea. He was left completely helpless by this continuous and systematic bullying of the most powerful man on earth as well his practical steps in that direction. Dooms day appeared quite close to him, when the entire country would get annihilated by US bombing. He melted finally.

He decided first to meet the South Korean leader Moon Jae-in. The world was amazed as what was happening. A man, long considered an enemy of world peace, was now suddenly talking about peace!! What a remarkable U-turn!! After a couple of meetings with Moon Jae-in, North Korea declared about a possible summit with the US President Trump with its leader Kim. Dates and venue was soon declared. After a few initial hiccups, finally both these leaders met on 12th June, 2018 at Singapore. It was a summit of historic importance. Both leaders signed a Joint Agreement of Peace. In a unilateral press conference, Pres. Trump declared that Kim Jong-Un had agreed to completely denuclearize the country of North Korea gradually and was very cordial in his language. What more can the world expect from a US President than this? He had just tamed down a wild animal by his tactics. He had achieved a feat which none of his predecessors could. Proved beyond doubt lies the fact now that Donald Trump, is an excellent tactician with remarkable skills of striking deals, especially those looking impossible in the beginning. He may use any tactic... he may threaten, use angry and audacious language, he may cool down or start pampering, but he knows each and every time, very consciously, what he is doing. All his actions one by one prove this thing. He has turned a hard-core enemy like Kim into a friend as of now. Get a bow, Mr. President for your business-like acumen and skills of negotiations!!!🙌🙌🙂🙂


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