
Showing posts from 2017

Height of hypocrisy of Rahul Gandhi

Rahul Gandhi climbed the steps of the Chotila temple, one more example of his hypocrisy. He has been visiting so many temples of Gujarat, one after the other, to prove that he is so much in favor of the hindus, which he is not. Gujaratis know him very well.  In context with the Malegaav bomb blast case back in 2009, Rahul Gandhi while giving an interview with an american news channel clearly said that this incidence has been caused by a Hindu terror organisation and that Shrikant Purohit, the prime accused, is a hindu terrorist!! He also emphatically said that the threat of hindu terror is more dangerous for the country rather than of islamic terror!! Subsequent to that, the case against Purohit became stronger and he has been in jail since last 8 years. Today a special court in Maharashtra acquitted Purohit of this heinous charge of being a hindu terrorist and went ahead to say that there is no evidence of any hindu terrorist organisation which had planned and executed th...

Can indians ever forgive the scamsters?

Even after 70 years of independence India continues to be regarded as a poor nation, with about 20% of its population still living under the poverty line. No doubt, it is considered right now as the second fastest developing economy in the world, just next to China and quite ahead of US, UK, France and Germany. It has a very vibrant middle class now. Nevertheless, it continues to be regarded as a "third world country" in spite of the huge strides it has taken on the economic front in the last 25 years after the announcement of the New Economic policy in 1992. One of the main reasons why India is still poor is Corruption. One may argue that corruption is there every where in the world. But during 2009 to 2014, i.e. the second term of the UPA rule (headed by the Congress party), India witnessed unprecedentedly high levels of corruption, ever since its independence. Scam after scam the public continued to receive severe jolts when one after the other its elected repre...

3 Main reasons why India is so behind in Sports

Countries with a population of just 8 to 9 crore like Germany, France atleast get 40 to 45 medals on an average, including atleast 10 gold medals in Olympics. It is rather tragic sir, that India with a population of 132 crores almost 14 times then above two gets hardly 15 medals and in total and a poor 1 or 2 Gold medals. Now, one may argue that the above two countries are “developed” countries whereas we are still considered a “developing country”. My counter-argument is that if India can show its mettle in the area of software development, engineering and medical science why not in sports? So what if we are a developing country. We lag behind others in terms of medals, because of following reasons:-  (1) Most of indians do not even know the names of so many sport events which bear Gold medals if a player performs at his best, for example Taekwondo, Kata, Kumite etc. These events have Gold medals each. The sports ministry of India should see to it that we have players/athlet...

Were Gujarat Election results a "moral victory" for the Congress party?

Life teaches us lessons every single day. Smart people learn them and make good progress. However, some people just do not learn a single thing, in spite of the same lesson getting repeated in front of them. One of such is Rahul Gandhi. The Congress party got 77 seats out of 182 in the recently held Gujarat Assembly elections. Although they registered a gain of 16 seats over the last result of 2012 (in which the got 61), it was a clear-cut defeat for them. Yet Mr. Rahul Gand hi said yesterday that it was a "moral" victory for the congress party as they could gain 16 seats and snatch them from the ruling BJP!! Instead of making "aatma-chintan" (soul-searching) as to why they could not manage to get to the majority mark of 92 and finding reasons for falling short by 12 seats to that decisive figure, he claimed that it was a moral victory for the Congress. This is the main difference between a loser and winner. A winner, when he loses suddenly, does not boast in a ...

Smriti Irani is not the right choice to become the CM of Gujarat

There have been news floating around that Union Minister Mrs. Smriti Irani will become the next Chief Minister of Gujarat. If that is true, then let me tell you being a gujarati that she is not the right choice.  I have been watching the former TV actress representing BJP on TV debate shows since 2008. She lacks all the virtues necessary to be a state leader, like calmness of mind, decency in speech and above all ability to think with a long-term perspective. She has got involved with about a dozen people in severely bitter debates, some of which have dragged her to the courts too. Being tough with your opp osition is good but being rough and brutal with them in your usage of language is bad. That reflects your lack of acumen, shortage of ideas and inability to remain cool under pressure situations. Violence can not happen just physically. It can also happen in words, in your language when you speak such words which are termed as indecent in public life. Smriti is used to suc...

Serene, pure and Divine beauty of Queenstown in New Zealand


My book launched

Hinduism Shrimad Bhagavad Geeta Part 1


Nitish dumps Lalu to befriend BJP

There are neither any permanent allies nor such enemies in politics. Everything is temporary. In this field you come across various kinds of chamaleons, spread everywhere - some clinging to the branches of an old tree (in the form of his original party) upside down, some in the process of changing its color according to its new surroundings.  Nitish kumar, the Bihar CM, is one such chamaleon, who was in the process of changing color since last 8 months. Although he did get involved with Lalu prasad to create a महागठबंधन, he knew deep down in his opportunistic mind, that this marriage was not going to last longer, keeping in view Lalu's rotten image of a highly corrupt neta. So he started making all kinds of gestures, which were in some way attracting the BJP. In other words, he started what is termed as "passive flirting" with it.  Eventually, he realized that he should somehow eliminate Lalu to stay in power, else in the next Bihar Assembly elections of 2020, he w...

इन खड़डो का अब कुछ तो करना पडेगा

मुंबई शहर में कल एक पुरानी इमारत गिर जाने के कारण 13 लोगों की मौत हो गयीl अभी पिछले हप्ते एक महिला पर एक पुराना पेड़ गिरा और उसकी वही पर मौत हो गयीl दो दिनों पेह्ले  बाइक पर जा रही एक औरत का अगला पहिया एक ढाई फिट चौडे खडडे में फ़स गया और उसकी मौत हो गयीl ऐसा सिर्फ अविक्सित देशों में ही होता हैं कि कोई पुरानी इमारत, या कोई पेड़ बारिश के मौसम मे गिर जायें और किसी की दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण मौत का कारण बनेl रास्तों पे बडे बडे खडडे भारत के कौन से शेहर में मौजूद नहीं हैं? महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न इधर ये है कि हर साल जरा सी बारिस हुई के खड़डे रास्तों पे नज़र आना शुरू हो जाते हैं, हमारे गांव-गांव, शहर-शहर मेंl आखिर कैसे रस्तें बना रहे हैं प्रशासन वाले? नागरिक तो पुरा tax भर रहा हैं, road tax, water tax, ये tax, वो tax……और आप उसे भेंट देते हो क्या - ये यमदूत जैसे खड़डे और पुरानी इमारतें? क्या ईस लिये चुनाव होता हैं नगरपालिकाओ का कि ऐसे भ्रष्ट मानवभक्षक चुने जाये? इनका झमीर तो जैसे कब का मर चुका हैंl हर साल बीस पच्चीस ऐसे सडकों पे कुत्तों की मौत मरे तो इनको जरासा भी फर्क नहीं पड़ताl ये लोग अपना भ्रष्टाचा...

Shouldn't all rapists be hanged to death?

Today, everyone is applauding the Supreme court's decision to uphold the death sentence for the 4 convicts in the Nirbhaya rape case. No doubt it was a very good decision.  However, the question which arises here is that why give capital punishment only in such cases, which according to the Apex court are "the rarest of rare"? Why not straightaway give a death penalty for each and every rapist? Isn't the mental trauma of all rape victims the same as what Nirbhaya went through? Aren't all rape cases "rarest of  rare"?  Laws need to be enacted so that all rape cases once proved, directly lead the perpetrators of such heinous crimes towards gallows. No appeal, no sunvay, nothing. The one who has committed an animal-like crime, has to die like an animal as early as possible. There shouldn't be any scope for him, of getting any mercy from anywhere whatsoever. This is one of those deterrents which can reduce rape cases drastically.

Why is there so much delay in delivering Justice?

The Supreme court of India has upheld the decision of a death sentence to the 4 convicts of the infamous Nirbhaya rape case.  Opinion:--  This gruesome incidence happened on 16 December 2012. After a long period of 4 and half years, our courts finally "decide" that these 4 criminals must die!! Also, yet we still do not know, how much longer it will still take, before they are actually executed. Can there be more sluggishness in punishing such dreaded, ghastly animals who ruthlessly raped and tortured an innocent young girl, Nirbhaya ( Jyoti Singh )  on that horrible night? Can't such extreme cases be given priority and mortal punishment being handed over within a very short period of time, say 1 month? Isn't justice delayed, the same as justice denied?  

Hey man ! You are fired !!

Here is a reason for Trump's audacious bold moves. A true patriot witnessing his nation going down slowly and surely day by day for 8 consecutive years suddenly finds himself at the centrestage of power. Now he can not wait for listening to anybody. In the last 8 years he has seen the decline of his country, in terms of it being a world leader and also internally especially the struggling middle class.He is definitely in a hurry. He wants to protect and save America and rebuild it completely. He does not care what other countries of the world would say. For him, America comes first.