Films like "The Kashmir Files" hamper communal harmony

 Films should be made to unite this country. A film like "The Kashmir Files" go in the opposite direction. They divide the country - into Pro-Hindu and Anti-Hindu. Of late, I have realized that fact. Not just this film, other films on a similar communal topic fall in the same category - they divide - eg. films like मुल्क़, परज़ानिया, फ़िराक़, काई पो छे, etc. Doesn't  matter which side they endorse - hindu or muslim. They definitely act as an evil force since they divide. They create unnecessary sporadic hatred between hindus and muslims. I had criticised मुल्क़, when it got released. I criticize "The Kashmir Files" too. Don't watch it, if you want to live in the present & future.

Films like "The Kashmir Files" hamper brotherhood (part2)


Muslims have been an integral part of the indian society since 5 centuries now. Hindus must understand that just as all hindus are not equal, all muslims too are not equal. All muslims are not terrorists/ invaders. No. Some of them are genuinely good people even better than any good hindu/christian/parsi/sikh or whosoever. To classify the whole muslim community as "terrorists/ bad people" would be gross and highly irrational. It would be a total injustice to the 14% of India's demography. Outstanding muslim contributors to posto independent India like Abdul Kalam, Amjad Ali, etc. have shown that they are no less talented and forthcoming than what hindus are. Of course it is necessary to see to it that this country remains a Hindu majority country and does not lose its great age-old Vedic identity in future. But that does not mean that we should start pinching muslims like this, by torturing them with such films which definitely adulterate the very essential, healthy atmosphere of brotherhood, conducive for the overall growth of India. Declaring "The Kashmir Files" tax-free in 6 states is a mistake of the administrators of those states. 

Lastly, for those who are still not convinced by my argument, which I know, is going in an opposite direction to the general sense of applause, prevailing in present day India, for this film: Have you heard of a single instance where a so-called, "thought-provoking" film got released in the UK, US, Canada, Australia and successfully created bitterness between two different communities - say Christians and Jews or the Whites and the Blacks, for that matter? Absolutely NOT. Why? Because the governments there wants its citizens to focus on the future, wherein its citizens, with all their diverse backgrounds contribute equally, positively and unitedly - forgetting all the fights, squabbles, or whatever happened in the past between their fathers, grandfathers and forefathers. If by chance, some Film Director ventures in that direction and makes such a film, that film won't get released at all. That's how you keep a country united and looking northwards in terms of your development agenda. You can't keep saying सबका साथ, सबका विकास by declaring such unilateral, biased, and highly provocative films like The Kashmir Files, tax free. No you can't, Modiji!


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