
Showing posts from April, 2020
Things to come next :-  1) the case of 3 journalists who disappeared - chapter 3 2) chapter 4 - Why the virus did not spread to Beijing and other cities of China 3) Chapter 5 - Inspite of knowing about the virus why did the chinese government go ahead with the yearly chinese festival in January 2020? 4) Chapter 6 - Japanese scientist and nobel laureate says that the virus is not a natural virus it is an artificial virus produced in a laboratory. China has lied about it.  5) Chapter 7 - China has opened the Wet Market in Wuhan, even after saying that it was responsible for the first spread of the virus. This is total violation of .... 6) Chapter 8 - It has denied to pay any bill of compensation sent by German government as well as several state governors of the USA and others.  7) Chapter 9 - China has started buying huge stakes of multinational companies in europe and asia with the intention of purchasing them in near future. This is a clear attempt of global acquisitio

Chapter Last - Why China must be held accountable

It was primarily assumed that China was lying about the contagiousness and the deadliness of this virus on fears of economically, geographically and politically getting isolated from the rest of the world.  However, later on this assumption gradually got rejected by some analysts worldwide and a new assumption replaced it, which was "The chinese government did it all on purpose - first they killed their own people with the virus to make the rest of the world believe that they too were the obvious victims. Later on they saw to it that it should spread throughout the world and destroy lives and economies everywhere. "A lie is a lie after all and it needs to be punished" - this was what the Trump Administration started believing. 


By the end of February, there were reports about 3 chinese journalists that were not seen in public life for about 15 days after getting arrested. When asked about by chinese media, for talking with them on the phone, the chinese government refused that. Let us see who were those 3 journalists and what seems to have happened to them:-  Three whistleblowers/journalists who tried to expose the life in Wuhan during the peak of the spread of the virus, have not been seen for 2 months as I write this. They shared very dramatic pictures on the internet, from the Wuhan city and its hospitals, while the city was under lockdown. The disappearance of these 3 men is highly mysterious.  1) Fang Bin:-  Fang Bin, a businessman of Wuhan, is believed to have shot and posted several videos between February 1 and February 9. In one video he showed the patients of Coronavirus getting treated in the corridors of a Wuhan hospital, with no proper care being taken of social distancing and other prot

Chapter One - The Origin of Coronavirus COVID19

As per the reports of "The Lancert" t he study of the very first 41 cases showed that the first onset of symptoms of COVID19 came into existence on 1st December, 2019. According to WHO, it was on 8th December, 2019 that the very first symptoms of the virus were seen. The chinese government extended this theory of the birth of the virus as below:-  An individual in Wuhan, the central city of China, went to a local WET market (a market which sells meat of all kinds of animals like snakes, crocodiles, porcupines, squirrels and even bats apart from selling conventional meat which comes from cows, buffaloes, pigs, sheep, goats and fish) and he bought bat meat. He mixed it with pig meat and made its soup. After a few days, that person had troubles in his respiration process accompanied by severe cough, body temperature and  shortness of breath. He went to a local hospital for diagnosis but could not be saved as he died in just a few days of the onset of the above symptoms. The ch


In December of 2019, the world came to know about a new kind of virus that was affecting lives in the central city of Wuhan in the communist state of China. First of all, most of the other nations took it very lightly, assuming it to be a very normal kind of virus, that would get cured with no big trouble. But as time passed and more and cases got registered in mainland China, concerns grew louder worldwide. Then, in February 2020, people came to know that there were more than 50,000 people affected by this new kind of Virus (now known as the CoronaVirus) inside China and had already killed more than 2,000 people over there. The scientists named it COVID19 as it was one among a group of coronaviruses that come into existence from time to time, like the SARS, MERS and other types of viruses which cause respiratory problems to humans and are contagious in nature.  By mid-february, along with China, there were other 5 nations which were reported to have a few cases of the virus, viz.Ita