A Grave Mistake by Trump

When Trump's US airforce team attacked Iranian commander General Suleimani through drone strikes on 3rd January, little did Trump know about the intense emotions attached with this man. Even the world at large, thought that this was some insignificant terrorist that the US has eliminated just like how they keep on killing terrorists across the globe. But what has happened in the aftermath of this assassination of the number 2 leader of Iran, is simply mind-boggling. Here it is. 
Tens of thousands of Iranian civilians flocked on the streets of Tehran, Iran's capital, demanding for "a huge and a bitter revenge". It was an extremely strong sentiment that got projected from all these demonstrations - the one of some bad omen, arrival of some huge evil in the forthcoming days. Whoever saw these videos just started shivering from within, looking at the astronomical proportions of anger that was oozing out from each one of them. Men and women shouting continuously "Death to America", in very large numbers, most of them carrying posters of their departed leader Suleimani, crying in utter unstoppable pain of that of losing some family member through a cruel sudden blow... these scenes were unforgettable and I could not forget them for the next 48 hours.

It was just beginning to ease up, when the TV channels today showed the last rites ceremony of Suleimani. The outpouring of endless sentiment was beyond description. Hundreds of thousands of people hitting their chests, shouting at the top of their voices and asking for the worst kind of punishment to the perpetrators of this crime (for them it was an unforgivable crime to kill their beloved General) from their supreme leader Khamenei. Looking at the solidness of their emotions, I got reminded of those videos of Hitler in 1930s, when after his each sentence, the public clapped and shouted alongwith him, in his highly popular nationalist rhetoric.

When emotions reach their highest levels, it creates a very amazing atmosphere for those who are with those emotions. They start feeling unbelievably United and indestructible amongst themselves. For those who are against those emotions, if they get a glimpse of that scenario, just feel totally scared and devastated by the huge outpour and the ever-growing intensity. Americans are calling these scenes as "madness" because they are feeling scared by this show of unbreakable unity and strength by the Iranians. It's an irony that despite their huge number of armed forces, they are shivering from this new fear.

So what's coming up? A huge attack of the magnitude of 9/11. Yes, that's what's on the horizon now. Today the news is that Iran has attacked the military base camps of the US Army at 2 places inside Iraq, the close neighbor of Iran. The coward journalists of CNN news channel are claiming that this settles the score. The US killed Iranian top General and then Iran now has attacked the US base, killing some of their soldiers. They are totally "wrong". Why?

Suleimani was not just brave but also a man with initiative. He organized the entire military strategies of Iran in the whole of the middle-east. After structuring several proxy militias in Lebanon, Syria etc. he was able to kill several hundreds of US soldiers, always leaving US Presidential administrations in a condition of absolute shock and pain. It was due to him that US was never able to project Israel as a dominant regional power in the last 3 decades. He was like a God for the Iranians, since he provided a continuous stretch of security to all Iranians, young and old. They believed in him, admired him and almost worshipped him. In short, he was their "cult figure". The US drone attacks have killed this guy, their inconspicuous hero, their demi-god. It's no small murder. Had America killed 100 other small leaders of Iran, the wrath wouldn't have yet been so gigantic, as what they have accidentally generated by killing Suleimani. By no means, it's a settling of scores yet. Majority of Iranians are smelling the blood of the Americans right now. Their sentiment is so intensely toxic, that one can't stop feeling it. Their hunger for revenge can assume any proportions. Many sources say that Iran already has nuclear capabilities by now. They may drop an atomic bomb on any American city like Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, killing millions of Americans. They may carry out an attack from the skies on important American tourist destinations like what they did on 9/11. They may keep killing American soldiers on a regular basis by ballistic missile attacks on various base camps located at several places in the Gulf region. Any thing can happen now, as these Iranians are those people who are not afraid to die for a certain nationalistic "cause" when they get hurted and President Trump has, unknowingly but certainly, hurted them very badly this time. The consequences are going to be extremely grave for the US in the coming months. This single grave mistake of their President is going to cost them so very bad, undoubtedly.

- (kb/Original/8-1-2020/1)


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