4 Facts forgotten by Uddhav Thackeray

4 Facts forgotten by Uddhav Thackeray:-
Looking at some speeches made by the founder of ShivSena Late Shri Balasaheb Thackeray, I am shocked to know that his son has become the exact opposite of what he would have expected. Had Balasaheb been alive today, he would have been devastated by the steps taken by Uddhav. Balasaheb believed in the theory of "भारत यानि हिंदु राष्ट्र" and adhered to it thoroughly throughout his life. He hated the Congress party. Uddhav, on the other hand, has openly betrayed the very concept of हिंदुत्व by parting ways with BJP. Yesterday he had asked for Congress party's help in government formation, a step which would have given his dad a stroke, if he would have been alive. 

Even during the first tenure of Modi as PM (NDA 1.0) between 2014 to 2019, Uddhav Thackeray had criticized his govt. in a manner which is most unlikely, unfit and derogatory for any political ally. He used to warn and threaten Modi randomly and frequently, with arguments that would not even come close to the spheres of logical explanations. After Balasaheb's demise it was believed that he would carry on with the same intensity and desire, the cause of हिंदुत्व but unfortunately this guy has failed in both. So What is the root cause behind this change in Uddhav Thackeray's demeanor in the last 20 days? Was it a sudden change or was the opportunist villain inside him waiting to jump out unclothed at the arrival of the correct opportunity? Let's examine. 
If one looks at the respective careers of Balasaheb and Uddhav, one point comes straight at you and hits you immediately - Balasaheb was never hungry for power. What he wanted was that हिंदुत्व should be protected at all cost inside Maharashtra and entire India. Contrary to this, Uddhav has now clearly and openly shown how much he is "hungry & desperate" for the Chief Minister's post for his son. His lust for power has reached new astronomical heights in the last 3 weeks. That too to such an extent that he has thrown himself into almost a state of amnesia about a lot of ground facts. He has forgotten the fact that his party has got just 54 seats, which is about half of what BJP has got (which is 105). Even a class 5 student can tell that the word "equal share" obviously doesn't come into picture under these circumstances. The formula of 50:50 sharing which he and other Shiv sainiks have kept on repeating in a childish manner in the last 19 days just doesn't apply here. It was okay if he had asked for 1:2 ratio for ShivSena : BJP, because the number of seats that they have won are in that order only. His lust for power is making him ignore this fundamental reality that people have voted twice for BJP than for his party. 
Second thing which he is forgetting is that he is a politician and not a warrior/soldier. Politics and War are not the same. Usage of foul and intimidating language is complete avoidable in politics. (We all know that politics is "a dirty field", yet as far as usage of language is concerned, politicians don't use abusive language.) He and his party men use such threatening, war-like language every now and then. God knows, what for do they speak it. Aren't they watching as to with what decency politicians from other parties speak? If they think they are "tigers" of indian politics and hence allowed to abuse or intimidate anybody anywhere, they are making a big mistake. They need to be warned and cautioned about their improper language and arrogant public behavior by not just the govt. but also the public at large. 
Third is their policy of "hooliganism". जो ठीक न लगे उसे तोड़ दो, फोड़ दो। क्या हैं भाई ये? सब अपने बाप का माल समज के रखा हैं क्या? Shivsena has been associated with violence and causing damage to property (public and private both) in the last 3 decades, in hundreds of cases. On Valentine's day, they used to break down the glasses of shops selling Valentine Love Cards. Any body opposing the Thackeray family during the period between 1990 and today has been physically attacked and his property vandalised. Why? Who has given the authority/right to you guys to act in such a manner? Are you and your Shivsainiks "above law", carrying certain privileged? If not, then learn how to control your outbursts of emotions. You are not  living inside a jungle. You are into public life, living with civilized people in cities and towns. So Behave as humans, not as wild animals. अपना गुस्सा प्रदर्शित कैसे करना चाहिए पेहले उसके तरीके सिख के आवो, फिर CM बनने के ख्वाब देखो।
Last but not the least what Uddhav has forgotten is that his son Aditya is still highly immature to occupy the seat of Chief Minister. He is only 28. बस आपके मन में एक मनसा जागी कि बेटे को इस बार मुख्यमंत्री बनाना हैं और आप निकल पड़े, बिना कुछ सोचे समझे उसे घोड़े पे बिठाने? आप सियासत में हो और ऐसा इसमें नहीं होता। You are living inside a "democracy" not inside a monarchy, where the king tries to fulfil his whims and fantasies, by hook or crook. And you are not a king either way. 
So stop behaving like an idiot, Mr. Uddhav Thackeray. You have already caused a huge, almost irreparable damage to your own and your party's image by now, due to your unscrupulous and foolish behavior. If you want that Aditya has any future in politics at all, then be conscious of the above 4 facts as soon as possible. Rectify your mistakes. Else you too will get thrown into the same dark forest of oblivion as so many other politicians have been, in the last 5 years. 
 - {kb/Original/12-11-2019/1}


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