What should India do to minimize rape crimes?

(WARNING:- There are some graphic words used in this post. Those people who would 
potentially feel offended, should stop reading here itself.)
The very reason why India is considered a dangerous place for female foreign tourists to move alone, with the eternal threat of getting raped hovering over each and every one of them, is that we have not been acting smart in this particular issue although we are considered as one of the most intelligent races on the surface of earth genetically (which we have proven by our advancement in computer softwares, medical and engineering fields in the last 3 to 4 decades). So what is the smart solution here?
Lastly but not the least, make the laws for sexual offenders and rapists, so strict that no one can escape from the harshest punishment. In Saudi Arabia, once a person is found guilty of rape, his genital balls are cut off and within 4 days he is stoned to death in public. One may call this very brutal but this is to set an example. "Stoned", because those potential predators watching him, being tortured massively and moving slowly towards a horrible death, get a shiver down their spine of the consequences of such a crime. Make death penalty a must, in India too and that too an immediate one. It may not be as severe as getting stoned to death but atleast getting hung to death is possible. But before doing all that, 'Change the mindsets'. That is the more urgent need of the hour. 
- (kb/14-04-2018)

This debate as to what should be done with the perpetrators of this extremely heinous and utterly shameful crime called 'rape' and what should be the scale of punishment, has now become generalized in India with almost every Tom, Dick & Harry choosing to say that all rapists should be hanged. But wait a minute, haven't we be telling the same thing again and again since almost a decade now? During Nirbhaya rape case in 2012, the same public opinion and demand prevailed and same with other rape cases before and after Nirbhaya. But has the 'on-the-ground' situation really changed in the last 10 years? If not, what are the "right measures" that need to be taken? Let us dissect this burning issue point by point and analyse all the necessary aspects one by one.
Before penetrating deep into any critical issue, one should know exactly why it happens. Rapes occur due to sexual dissatisfaction among men. If they have seen something arousing in the last few days, their genitals get excited. They get stimulated to have sex. Under these circumstances, they have two choices:- either to masturbate and get rid of that sexual urge or have real sex with a female. Most of the males go for the first choice, in the absence of a sex partner. However, there are some notorious, (mis-)adventurous elements too. They go for the second choice, even in the absence of an official female partner. Even if they do not have a girl-friend or a wife or a one-night-stand female, they want to have sex any how!! This amounts to their becoming sexual predators. They start finding such vulnerable females, which they can attack upon and quench their sexual thirst. Doing this, they end up on the wrong side of the law. They might catch a female going on the road, (a group of such similar predator males), or they may catch even a small girl child, wandering carelessly on the streets. Their sexual urge is so massively predominant on them, that they are determined to predate upon their prey, once they have decided as to who is going to be the one. Once they have satisfied their sexual urge, if they feel there is any threat of that female registering a complaint against them, then they may even kill her.
First thing that the government should look upon, is to minimize this 'number' of such sexual predator males. How? Well, here are a few options. All may not agree with them, but it is my way of finding a solution:- 
It is this. Just look at other countries of the world and see what they are doing to minimize rape cases. A slightly deeper analysis will quickly reveal a startling fact. Either these countries are orthodox and direct exposure to any kind of vulgar porn is illegal and strictly prohibited, as in case of so many gulf countries with a majority population of the muslims, or they are totally 'Liberated' in their ideas with total exposure to all the vulgar porn and dating is so common over there, as in case of United States, UK, Germany, other european countries, etc. This means that governments across the planet believe in one thing very clearly. If you are allowing the people to get exposed to seeing sex on the internet then give them all the opportunity to have sex with any one they wish, (of course provided both agree). Or if you are not allowing your people any liberty whatsoever, of meeting up with any person other than their wives, then just have a very strict control over any kind of sexual exposure on the net etc. which they may potentially face. Now what happens in case of India?
Just like so many other hypocrisies prevailing in our country, there is a huge (and rather foolish) double standard here too!! First of all we do not have any kind of ban on sexually explicit material available on the web. Although the government had announced a couple of years back that it will take action in this direction and ban 3X sex websites, nothing has been done so far. Even a 10 year old can easily have an access to such nudity, if he/she is a bit smart. So what do we have? We have this 24x7 non-stop flow of sex on the net and then we have these sexual predators, who have chosen not to masturbate or calm themselves down by any other means, which are not unlawful. There exists a wide gap and a deep, huge valley between what needs to be done and what exists in reality. The non-stop, continuous flow of sex, quickly and thoroughly brain-washes their minds. They are young men and hence arrogant enough not to listen to any one, except themselves. And what does their own self tell them, in this thirsty, sexually highly provocative situation? "Prey. Prey like an animal. Have sex, have fun, especially by means of 'brutal torture'. Find someone, take her to a remote corner and satisfy all your passionate, ugly desires. Enjoy her screams and cries for help, while you are pounding yourself upon her. This is the best way of experiencing and celebrating your manhood." Now, by chance (and there is quite a possibility of this), they do not get caught and the victim decides to remain silent, then their courage in this direction increases manifold. They start thinking with some belief that they can catch any girl, lady, female from anywhere and celebrate their manhood again. Eventually such monsters do get exposed and caught but by then they would have inflicted upon a terrible damage to the lives of several females. (Out of those, who chose to remain silent, most of those victims then spend a horrible life ahead with repeated action replays in their minds of what happened with them on that nightmarish moment. It is as if, they are paying the price of being born as a female from a poor home. According to a survey, 5 out of 10 cases of rape go unreported and unnoticed in India. These are those, when the female has been sexually approached by either her maternal uncle, paternal uncle, cousin, etc., in short some one from the family itself!! The roots of all these lack of courage to tell the truth, go towards lack of education. Uneducated females prefer to remain silent much more than the educated ones. That unknown and incorrect fear of getting defamed in the community makes them remain silent. This highlights the utter importance of providing education to females from economically backward sections.)
The government of India should either be very strict now and see to it that any kind of pornographic content is not available on the net "at all". Leave alone 3X, even 2X type should be banned. After all, internet was not invented for this. Was it? It was invented to connect people to share constructive concepts and creativity across various platforms. Once this is done, the govt. should try and make our society more liberal, compared to what it is today, by changing our traditionally highly rigid mindsets. Now that is a quite a big task. Our indian mindsets have been made so inflexible, by the repeated fixation of same kind of thoughts, that any fresh scope of flexibility or change seems almost impossible. Yet, courage can help here too. If social activists get activated in this direction and start spreading the understanding and the right message that having a dating partner is not an evil thing for any unmarried female and her virginity is not the only reason she should be celebrating and be frequently joyous about, the mindsets will start changing. We indians, give extremely uncalled for importance to female virginity before marriage. If a girl has sex before marriage and her parents come to know about that, they start calling her characterless, mean, prostitute, blah blah. The same parents' son, if they find that he has had sex with a series of females, then their opinion changes sharply - "he is a real mard (man), experiencing and celebrating his mardangi (masculine nature)!!!" See the duplicity, the double standards, we all have been witnessing since our births. Oh Comeon....!! Stop this non-sense. Will you, for God Sake?? Give equal freedom to your daughter also, as what you give to your son. Or if you choose to punish her, then punish and reprimand the son too for being so liberal in his sexual behavior. Don't be so biased and tilted towards your son.
By being some more liberty and allowing a bit of date-culture to prevail in our society, that hunger of having enforced sex any how, will slowly diminish among potential sexual predators. When you have eaten food and your stomach is full, you do not feel hungry even if some tasty dish is presented to you immediately. The same logic applies here. Create a balance between the hunger for sex and the different possible ways of satisfying it.
Lastly but not the least, make the laws for sexual offenders and rapists, so strict that no one can escape from the harshest punishment. In Saudi Arabia, once a person is found guilty of rape, his genital balls are cut off and within 4 days he is stoned to death in public. One may call this very brutal but this is to set an example. "Stoned", because those potential predators watching him, being tortured massively and moving slowly towards a horrible death, get a shiver down their spine of the consequences of such a crime. Make death penalty a must, in India too and that too an immediate one. It may not be as severe as getting stoned to death but atleast getting hung to death is possible. But before doing all that, 'Change the mindsets'. That is the more urgent need of the hour. 
- (kb/14-04-2018)


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