Anderson Cooper of CNN talks with the Trump family

Yesterday I saw the entire family of Donald Trump,getting interviewed by Anderson Cooper on CNN. Those present on the stage included Donald Trump himself, his second wife Melania Trump,his two sons Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump as well as his two beautiful daughters Iraka (the elder one) and Tiffany (the younger one).

 It looked like a conversation which had preplanned answers by his children,as if they had been strictly advised by the Presidential front-runner,not to speak a word,on any contentious issue at all and keep eulogizing their dad as much as they could. All five of his family members did precisely that. A conscious and deliberate effort to avoid answering tricky questions was clearly seen. And at the same time,none of them missed a single opportunity to praise Donald Trump. It was a well-drafted professional performance by the Trump family.

When his wife Melania was asked,whether Donald treats her son Barron on an equal platform, as the others,she answered in positive. She said that he has proved to be an excellent daddy for the 10 year old boy and a very caring husband,over the course of their marriage. She added on a lighter note that she didnot like Trump remaining busy with his mobile device on social media like Twitter, even after coming back home in the evening. "However,he is a grown-up individual, he knows what is good for him.So, I donot interrupt and allow him to do whatever he wants to"she adds further.
Donald Trump Jr.,the elder of the two sons of Trump,says his dad abides by rules and schedules by the minute. "In the last 38 years at the Trump Organisation,my father has set unprecedented examples of discipline and adherence to rules and regulations,applicable to everybody, including himself. He believes in achieving his goals quite before stipulated time-limits. He loves work ethics and gives equal opportunities of self-development and growth to everybody,from top to bottom.There exists very standards of democratic values in the organisation, with total freedom of expression for each and everyone. My father has taught me this business of real estate so well, that any other dad cannot do."

Iraka Trump, his elder daughter,said that although he believes in very strict adherence to rules and regulations, he is a very loving dad. Anybody in our family can approach him,to sort out his/her issues and he would try and solve them on a "priority basis"as much as possible. When asked, how she felt when she introduced her boy-friend to her dad and expressed the desire to marry him, she said " It was a wonderful experience. My dad removed all my apprehensions of him accepting my boyfriend as a future husband within minutes. He said that he liked my choice but advised both of us to behave like friends first and then husband and wife,after marriage, to avoid any conflicting issues,generated due to any sort of misunderstanding or ego whatsoever. "

Eric Trump said he has always admired his father's company at the office and at the golf course too ! "At the office,he is too busy managing complex issues on a daily basis.However,when we are on the golf course,he is like a playful young boy.He enjoys every moment on the course and so do I" he says. He further adds "He has achieved almost everything,that he wanted in life.He says he is so grateful to this country that has given him all what we wanted. And in that desire to show his gratefulness towards America,he now wants to give something back by serving this great nation,if he is given a chance to do so.He wants to make America great again."

Tiffany Trump,his youngest daughter says "My dad has always been a huge source of inspiration for all of us and specifically for me.Right from the time when I was a 5 year old,he has provided me all the necessary support for making a career by getting educated. His guidelines about which career-path to follow,which university to study in,to follow exactly the career which I really love etc. have been very useful to me."

Someone from the audience asked Trump directly,"You have projected yourself, so far as a heavily aggressive individual during the last 10 months of the republican nomination campaign. When are you going to start behaving in a more "presidential" manner,showing less aggression and more decency?" Trump was spot on,"Look, aggression was necessary wherever I have showed it. You know very well,that right from the beginning of this campaign, I have remained at the centre-stage,with candidates attacking from my left and then from my right.It is due to my aggression that I have defeated most of them during arguments within a debate. And rightnow I gave already managed to win 22 primaries,much more than anybody else."He goes ahead," As of now still I intend to continue with this aggressive style as I have to win over 2 more candidates viz.Cruz and Kasich.After that I will show that I can be "presidential" too,in the best possible manner. But then again the general elections will start coming closer and I will have to be aggressive once again to win over the presidency. After that,I plan to remain "presidential" throughout my tenure at the White House, if I am elected."

From all the answers that we have discussed so far,it is quite clear that Mr.Donald Trump,is a very worthy candidate to become the "Commander-in-chief" of the USA.He has managed very well, not just his big company,but also his family. As per what he said during the interview he started his real estate organisation from a small loan and built it into a huge company,making him one of the richest guys in the USA. He has that ability to lead from the front,with flair and fair bit of aggression,which can easily defeat his rivals. At the same time, he can be civilized,funny and kind-hearted.However, above all these he is a truth-seeker. He would rather speak out a bitter sentence which reflects the true "on the ground" situation,than say flattering words about something in a cowardly way of a liar. This was very evident in his statement " If I become the next President, I would prevent the further entry of any muslim in our country,for sometime atleast." There was a huge hue and cry on what he said,but let me ask you,"What was wrong in those words?" Everyone knows that in today's world, "terrorism" is a big big issue,affecting about 70% of the world's population today. And if one checks those terrorist acts of car bomb and suicide bomb explosions,brutal gunfire shootouts,etc. muslims are always involved in them, one way or the other. Yes,I agree that all muslims arenot terrorists and barring a few such insane guys,there are lots of good god-fearing muslims too.And because of the brutal inhuman acts of those few mad men,the entire muslim community is getting defamed as either terrorists or as a religion of uncivilized people. This shouldnot happen,but then who is to be blamed for what has been going on, throughout the world in the last 20 years? Incidences of terror strikes have increased hugely and the number of people dying due to this type of violent incidences,has gone up astronomically. Countries like Syria and Iraq,which have a muslim majority have turned into battlefields. If the educated muslim people think that the entire muslim community is getting victimised because of Islamophobia (wrong fear and apprehension that muslims will somehow bring suffering and pain),why arenot they trying very hard to convince their own brethren,who have lost their direction completely and killing innocent men,women and children mercilessly?  Why are the number of such organisations like ISIS,Al-nusraa etc.increasing day by day? They firmly believe that they are Jihadis and acting according to the will of Allah (God) by annihilating the kaafirs ( all those who donot believe in Allah but believe and worship some other God).Why are those educated,peace-loving muslims not able to explain these insane cruel men, the simple truth that by killing innocent people one doesnot draw closer to Allah or any God, but instead drifts away from Him? Inshort,Trump is right when he firmly says "No Entry for muslims in my country". By saying this,he has shown how courageous he is. He has taken the risk of not getting a single muslim vote in the entire country but yet he spoke the truth,as it is. Lots of "so-called" secular media,started calling him with various adjectives like "communal","fanatic" or "a bigot" but he knows that doesnot make any difference to him.People seek for true,courageous leaders all around the world,not just the USA. And I think now,America has got one. This guy is powerful enough to change the entire political game with his bold but intelligent moves. The glory which the USA seems to be losing in the last few years (evident from disastrous deals like the Iran Deal),can return back to this super-power by giving full control to only one person,capable of restoring it.That one person on the horizon is not Hillary,not Cruz,not Sanders but it is Donald Trump. America needs Trump now.


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