
Showing posts from May, 2017

Shouldn't all rapists be hanged to death?

Today, everyone is applauding the Supreme court's decision to uphold the death sentence for the 4 convicts in the Nirbhaya rape case. No doubt it was a very good decision.  However, the question which arises here is that why give capital punishment only in such cases, which according to the Apex court are "the rarest of rare"? Why not straightaway give a death penalty for each and every rapist? Isn't the mental trauma of all rape victims the same as what Nirbhaya went through? Aren't all rape cases "rarest of  rare"?  Laws need to be enacted so that all rape cases once proved, directly lead the perpetrators of such heinous crimes towards gallows. No appeal, no sunvay, nothing. The one who has committed an animal-like crime, has to die like an animal as early as possible. There shouldn't be any scope for him, of getting any mercy from anywhere whatsoever. This is one of those deterrents which can reduce rape cases drastically.

Why is there so much delay in delivering Justice?

The Supreme court of India has upheld the decision of a death sentence to the 4 convicts of the infamous Nirbhaya rape case.  Opinion:--  This gruesome incidence happened on 16 December 2012. After a long period of 4 and half years, our courts finally "decide" that these 4 criminals must die!! Also, yet we still do not know, how much longer it will still take, before they are actually executed. Can there be more sluggishness in punishing such dreaded, ghastly animals who ruthlessly raped and tortured an innocent young girl, Nirbhaya ( Jyoti Singh )  on that horrible night? Can't such extreme cases be given priority and mortal punishment being handed over within a very short period of time, say 1 month? Isn't justice delayed, the same as justice denied?